Thursday, April 24, 2008

Spring flowers, without many showers

My yard is starting to come alive. I said I'd share. I wish the dogwood tree (in the background of the shot below with the pear tree) would bloom at the same time as the others--it's starting to open, but none of the vibrant colors yet. There are several beautiful white azaleas that will bloom by the dogwood as well, but they are also holding out (although my other azaleas are in full bloom). The down-side to all this? The pollen; but I'll put up with that to enjoy the benefits of Spring.

My "double-sub weeping cherry" tree (and a few hyacinths underneath).
Just click on the pix to get an "up close and personal" view.

My pear tree (no partridge!)--dogwood in background; daffodils up-close (you can't tell, but these have ivory petals and pink centers!)


The whole picture... HAPPY SPRING!

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