Sunday, March 29, 2009

Matt's Day

Another year has evaporated, at least from my perspective. For Matt, it makes him just one step closer to his driver's license (and another gray hair pops up). Time just seems to fly. My baby is now 8 inches taller than me and has nearly a year of high school under his belt. He's hitting his mid-teens--just think of all of the things I have to look forward to: girlfriends and broken hearts, insurance for 2 teens at the same time, college visits, more sports (yay!), adolescent attitude (so far so good with this one!)...and in a few short years, the empty nest. I guess I better enjoy it while I can. Here are a few pics from Matt's past year. Happy Birthday Matt.


Rose said...

Happy Birthday,Matt!! It has been a pleasure watching you grow-up into a great young man!

Phyllis...enjoy all the high school hoopla and of course the best part of all....sports!

Phyllis said...

You've known him since he was a year old or so (if not before--can't recall if you had Brooke in class or not). Can you believe it's been a dozen years since you had him in preschool? Seems like a blink of an eye.