Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Resetting My Biological Clock

Ok, no...I'm not talking about THAT biological clock. That one is about ten ticks from midnight and I'm ok with that. I am nearing a half century and have 1 grown and 2 almost grown sons, so no sense of urgency there--I can handle being Cinderella on that front.

Rather, I am speaking of my day-to-day functioning timeline. I am a night owl. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. I have always been a night owl, even as a child. I can function in the morning with after a big cup of coffee. But for years, I would roll out of bed, roll over the side of the tub and fill it up so I could doze in a nice suds. A sit-down shower gave me an alternative, but I do whatever I can to grab the morning zzz's.

This all changed a couple of weeks ago--or at least I have been trying to change it for a couple of weeks. I just cannot make it to the Y to work out after work. Not going to happen with all the activities the kids and I have. But middle age has caught up with me, and my days of being able to shed 10 pounds overnight have gone the way of "the" biological clock. Exercise is needed. I have some friends who hit the Y at 5:30 most mornings, and they invited me to join them. I had a Friday off, meaning I could go home after and go back to bed, so I accepted the challenge. Since then, I have been getting up at 5:15 and heading over there every Monday through Friday...2 weeks now. Problem is, my inner tickings have not kept up. My body continues to insist night time is the right time, but my brain keeps saying that I am now a morning person. I am surviving so far, and I am generally functional most of the day. I will eventually transform myself..I just hope it's figuratively (begone ye unwanted poundage).

1 comment:

Tami said...

I know who the friends are - they keep trying to convince me I would enjoy working out at that time of the morning. I keep telling them they wouldn't want to be my friend anymore if they saw me at that hour of the morning :-) Exercise + Morning = very grumpy me.
HOWEVER - good job for you! Glad I found your blog.