Friday, December 12, 2008

We're WHERE on the calendar?

I am going crazy. Literally. Obviously, since it's been a decade since I last posted (or so it seems), time is at a premium. I am the one who always has Christmas cards done Thanksgiving weekend. The trees (yes multiple) are trimmed the same weekend. Outdoor decorations--limited though they are--are out. Most of my shopping is done by the first week of December.

Not this year. I'm sitting here writing this instead of the cards. One tree is done--the other has lights, an angel on top, and 2 ornaments since no one else seems to care whether or not it is fully done (and that's how it's going to stay). I have my head buried in the sand with respect to shopping for gifts. I keep hoping Santa's bag will be full of things for my guys so I don't have to actually shop. I do have the stocking stuffers handled (and the stockings are hung, although not by the chimney).

Basketball season is starting, and I volunteered to coordinate spirit wear. Why I did that, I'm not sure. I really have it pretty organized and it isn't that time's just one more thing on the plate. On the positive side, I'm technically on vacation for the rest of the year starting on Wednesday (unless you count the 5 or 6 reports I'll be working on while I'm home--but at least I can wear my fuzzy slippers and new comfy robe while I'm doing them at 3 am in the midst of my midlife insomnia).

Maybe, if I get motivated (yeah, right) I'll post some pictures of my trees (once I take them). Right after I do those cards and shopping....

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