Thursday, October 16, 2008

All About Craig

Today is Craig's birthday. He is turning 17. He shares his birthday with Angela Lansbury, Tim Robbins, and Suzanne Sommers. He is a Libra--the scales and balance--which is very fitting for his personality.

Craig has always been a little ray of light. He was a sunny blonde as a child and had a smile and laugh that would light up a room. I wish I could post the video from his second birthday--between his giggles and antics, I roll on the floor every time I view it. I am going to scan in some pictures of him as a little boy so you can see just how adorable he was (ok, bad mom, but I've been swamped between work, football, and school functions).

Actually, Craig is still adorable. And now that he is driving and past that mid-teen point, he is human once again, at least in his relationship with me.

One of the greatest compliments a mother can receive is when others tell her how polite and helpful her children are. These types of comments are synonymous with Craig. I can also recall how he amazed a group of adults at his brother's christening. Craig was 3 at the time, and walked past a plate of cookies to get at a plate of carrots. How many 3 year olds would do that?
He is the pied piper around little kids. The toddler and elementary school set at church have this puppy-like adoration for him. And to our young Logan, he is the absolute hero. He'll make a good dad some day--he gets how to interact and lead.

His current passion is football. As part of this year's winning varsity team, he epitomizes what it means to be a team player. He isn't seeing as much field time as either of us would like, but he is extremely supportive of his "brothers" and understands that the scout team contributes to the overall team success since our starters wouldn't be as strong as they are if they weren't daily going against the talent of our scout team.

Craig is smart. He is currently carrying a 3.8 grade point average, and is in the top 7% in his graduating class. He is taking tough, challenging classes. As a 7th grader (years and years ago), he merged his smarts with his passion, and was named the league scholar athlete.
So, Happy Birthday Craig!

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